Shipping Policy

Order Processing and Shipping Timeline:
  • We process and ship your Dolfit mattress within 3 business days of receiving your order.
  • Orders placed after 11 AM IST will begin processing the next business day.
  • A shipping confirmation email will be sent once your order is dispatched.
  • If you have ordered multiple products, they may be shipped separately and may not arrive on the same day.
Order Status Updates:
  • Order status is updated only after your Dolfit mattress has shipped.
  • A shipping confirmation email with tracking details will be sent upon dispatch.
  • If you do not receive an update within a week, please contact us at or call 9311224091.
Custom Delivery Instructions:

While we cannot schedule specific delivery times, we will try to accommodate custom delivery instructions. Please contact us with your request after placing your order.

Expedited Shipping:

We process orders on a first-come, first-served basis to ensure fairness to all customers.

Shipping Costs:
  • Shipping is free for most parts of India.
  • A nominal shipping fee may apply for remote or interior locations. The fee, if applicable, will be displayed on the order confirmation page.
Handling Damaged Products

Received a Damaged Product:

If you receive a damaged product, please email us at or call 9311224091. We will arrange a replacement for you.